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Current Location: 首页 - Import and export agent - Import letter of credit

Pseudusance letter of credit

Product description

       USANCE L/C PAYABLE AT SIGHT BASIS (USANCE L/C PAYABLE AT SIGHT BASIS),That is, we will issue a usance letter of credit,Upon receipt of documents presented by the negotiating bank,We accept and draw at sight as paying bank,Or entrust a foreign agent to make prompt payment。The applicant pays the amount of the draft, the usance interest and related charges on the acceptance due date。 

Business prompt 

       1, This product can realize the same business under the importer's long-term foreign exchange, exporters receive foreign exchange at sight, in order to ease the pressure of importers to pay foreign exchange funds。 

       2, in principle, it cannot be repaid in advance, such as repayment in advance, the customer needs to bear the default fee。 

       3, the bank provides a full range of online import L/C services, including application, amendment, receipt, payment and inquiry。

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